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Project information

Assessment on electricity access for host communities and forcibly displaced people in the Lake Chad Basin

R. Palacios A. González-García I.J. Pérez-Arriaga S. Díaz-Pastor P. Ciller

March 2021 - June 2022

Funding entity World Bank, Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA)

Participated by Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA), Wayvolution S.L

The overall objective of this activity is to conduct an assessment of electricity access to better understand demand and supply and identify market barriers, key market players, and support required to promote the growth of basic electricity services for conflict-affected zones (borders), host communities, and Forcibly Displaced Populations (FDPs) in the Chad Lake Basin (Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, and Chad).

This assessment also seeks to fill the data gap and identify options for fast delivery mechanisms and preparing investment operations on electricity access in host communities and FDPs in the Sahel while taking into account that displaced populations typically have a temporary variable given the duration of the displacement at a specific location is inconsistent. The activity will propose a roadmap and investment plan to provide and/or improve access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy to host communities, refugees and conflict-affected zones and borders in the four Lake Chad Basin countries.

This assignment will inform the design of electrification projects that provide access to electricity services to households, community and productive users in the targeted areas. The consultant will be provided with existing studies, including off grid assessments that the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), with support from the World Bank, conducted as part of the Regional Off Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP).

Layman's summary: The overall objective of this activity is to conduct an assessment of electricity access to better understand demand and supply and identify market barriers, key market players and support required to promote the growth of basic electricity services for conflict-affected zones (borders), host communities and Forcibly Displaced Populations (FDPs) in the Chad Lake Basin (Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad).